Monday, April 25, 2011

Kindergarten Poetry

I am not usually a huge fan of poetry and had it in my mind that teaching Poetry to Kindergartners was going to be challenging.  I found, however, that it was a great experience!  Some of my student's who typically find writing difficult were able to come up with some of the most creative poetry!  I read a great book this year and it really boosted my enthusiasm about teaching poetry- Kids' Poems:  Teaching Kindergartners to Love Writing Poetry by Regie Routman.  It is a MUST read if you are planning to teach poetry:)

  This year, to stay organized, I had my students create poetry books.  It was just large construction paper stapled over a map of their heart (a heart filled with things they know and love- for ideas), a few beginning poetry forms and some blank paper for writing.  Each day, I read kindergarten poetry and modeled some different ways to write poems.  We talked about the fact that poems can be about anything and can be written by anyone.  We also talked about rhyming, rhythm, repetition, similes, metaphors, word choice and an ending that "pops."  We also held poetry readings so that students could share their writing and receive "snaps" for all of their hard work.  I have included some of my student's fabulous writing below!  Their work has been published, laminated and hung in our hallway for others to admire.

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